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Why Should I Apply for a Trademark

Do you have a symbol, a picture, a word or a phrase that you have created and want to protect? If so, then you might consider applying for a trademark to protect your work. The purpose of a trademark is to provide an easily recognizable signal to the public that certain products belong to or are created by a certain company. Therefore, federal law requires each trademark to be distinctive.

Trademarks Allow People to Easily Recognize Your Business

The purpose of marketing products is to sell them. In today’s hurried world, trademarks are more important than ever as research shows that younger consumers are less likely than previous generations to be brand loyal. A highly distinctive trademark allows consumers to recognize certain brands with a simple glance rather than having to take the time to search for the brand that they want. It also provides consistency in advertising and is a valuable marketing tool.

Once a trademark application is approved by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, the owner of the trademark is granted the exclusive nationwide use of that trademark. These rights continue unless the trademark is abandoned by its owner, improperly licensed, or becomes so much a part of the general culture that it no longer identifies a single company or product.

Protect Your Business Interests

A trademark may allow you to protect your business interests. For example, you might have a cause of action if another business uses something that is identical or confusingly similar to what you have trademarked. You may be able to take legal action against the other company for damages and to prevent its future use of your trademark and in so doing you can protect your public recognition and business reputation in the community.
Trademarks allow businesses to market in consistent ways and promote their businesses through a picture, symbol, word or phrase. They are valuable branding and marketing tools that are used by many different kinds of businesses in this country. However, if you do not apply for a trademark then it may difficult to prevent another party from using your trademark for its benefit. Not to mention investors and future buyers of your business will want to know that the brand is protected and held as an asset of the company before they invest in it. Therefore, applying for a trademark is important for many U.S. businesses.

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